Wednesday, November 7, 2012

One block, one street

Today my sister and I photographed 5 entrances. All in the same street and even in the same block. It was fun. This is what I call a single board entrance. It has a lovely fence.

A couple of houses up was this lovely cream entrance. Quite different and not a mass produced style. I do like the extra design on the top and within the walking area of the entrance.

This entrance has a lot going for it. Jasmine growing on the right hand side, great picket fence, the arch way has the church look, even with picot edges! And a Queenslander to boot in the background. This was a delightful find.

Bold blue open roof helps this entrance stand out as you drive by. It is number 4 in the block.

My name for this type of entrance is, naturally enough, a wide board. It is fairly nice with the front wide board and then not only does it have a shorter board at the back, but they have joined them with side boards. Further down the garden path the design is repeated as a 3 board arch. Bit like an echo. So 5 entrances in a block. There should be more of those streets around!

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