Monday, December 10, 2012

Truncated corner entrances

Truncated corner or corner entrances. A rather rare type of entrance. Most people put their gates and entrances in the front of their property. Here are a few entrances I have found that sit out in front as the prow of a ship.

This single board entrance has the joy of having a Jacaranda tree and a red flowering plant as friends. It is always a bit of fun putting your hand into one of those holes and then peering over the top of the gate to see exactly what your hand is supposed to be doing!

Ooooh, this is such a darling entrance. Love any flowering trees or bushes or vines and this entrance has, besides palms that stand as background sentinels, a youngish Jacaranda tree on one side and a wonderful white bougainvillea on the other. What joy. The fence palings add to the lacy effect of the whole picture, with their rise and fall in height.

Such a nice gate set in the front of the broad faced entrance. The style of this gate is not unusual, but it does have different details from the norm. Here we go with another Jacaranda tree this time on the verge. Inside the entrance were lovely spots of colour. Such a cheery little spot.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Incognito entrances

Is this a tree or is this an entrance? It is an entrance, of course. Just a climbing plant gone bananas. Wonderful. A double opening gate. I do like the gate and fence panels.

Another gate that hides its entrance well. You know, I have a suspicion that the climber is the exact same as the above entrance. It has a prolific growth. Nice wood panelling gate. The cut out panels of the gate, above the handle, allow vision from both sides.

This entrance has a different look altogether. The ageing top heavy vine does hide the top of the steel entrance. Looks like a jasmine or something similar. I have always liked this particular scroll work on top of the gate. We have a smaller gate in the middle of our side fence, which is identical. The days gone by when neighbours actually had gates between the houses. Our gate is rusty and still looks wonderful with its rusty coloured scroll work. My maternal grandparents had two side gates, one for each neighbour. I remember using them to drop items off or retrieve items shared, as a child, while visiting George and Lucy. Which is what we call them now, as we are in the grandparent age ourselves!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Country entrances

My husband was talking to some country relatives in their yard and all of a sudden he realised that they had 2 entrances in their yard. He nearly fell over with excitement as he realised that these were not 'city' entrances. Hewn from logs, many years ago, from the property, the front entrance is charming. Rough, but charming. I can see that the overhead logs are held on with wire - the upright logs have had a hole bored in them and the wire is threaded through and twisted on top. Light blue plumbago softens the one side.

Here is the same entrance with the house behind the photographer. Some pots, on the left start a log enclosed garden. The tall white pipe holds a weeping pink geranium. A regular red geranium is to its right.

This view of the second entrance is looking towards the house. Quite a lot bigger and squared.

Same view, but a bit closer. A couple of gates, not sure where the dark one on the left opens onto. The family does have milking cows and there are stories of cows getting into the house garden and eating all the flowers and vegetables. Probably a 'good day out', from the cows point of view!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Three delightful finds

This darling entrance is delightful. The really sweet gate, the dark lattice picks up the colour of the house and of course the creeper. I think I have a soft spot for creepers, flowering creepers. The detail on the front entrance of the house is lovely and unfortunately we can't see the front door of the verandah as it was curved on the top.

Another exciting entrance to find. Stark white timber, the gate looks part of the fence. Delightful top of the entrance with its detail in the front. The house behind has the same white picket appearance.

Look at the gate! Very fancy, very different for an entrance. This was a must to photograph. The entrance is quite broad and offers protection from rain and sun. A nice look.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A cottage look

Isn't this a beautiful and delicate look for an entrance. The creeper has such a dainty look. The house, verandah, path, plants all look so sweet.

This entrance is not as pretty as the one before, but I think it still has a cottage feel. The style of house, trees, creepers on the entrance itself, the fence.

I have chosen to put this entrance into the cottage catalogue as it has such promise to become such. Sweet gate, nice low fence, path with urn in a sort of round-about in the path, then off to the left is an arch with creeper. With some more plantings the yard could really become a lovely space. The style of house also lends itself to the overall picture.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Three different styles

This entrance that looks like it is the beginning of a forest has some nice wooden detailing. With its slanted fence and double Z on the gate it has an air of intrigue and suspense. One almost expects a sign that says 'enter at your own risk'. Personally I really like it, if I ever find it again, I just might peek over the gate! I purposely have not kept any records of where I find my entrances, to offer some sort of privacy. Especially as I am sharing them with the rest of the world!!

Entrance, what entrance? I love it. Oh, you mean the entrance with the LIGHT behind me! Bit of a giggle. The entrance is quite high, obviously to accommodate the light. Nice touch. I wonder why the owners decided on such a gate. Possibly to make knocking on their door a second thought! Unique and marvellous.

Now this structure is quite different. Different fences on both sides, different heights of cement, probably to account for the slanting ground. The gate sags a bit to the right. It has a frangapani tree on the left and I am sorry to say, but I think there is a collection of wasp nests on the right hand side, inside the roof. O to be a short person when entering this gate! Like the first entrance, this one with its collection of trees and background greenery beckons a retreat experience.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

More modern entrances

This modern entrance certainly wows the visitor. It connects beautifully with the house as it mirrors the front of the house. Big and bold.

Similar colours as the entrance above, this one is also big and bold. It is a nice clean look. Through the black wrought iron fence you glimpse the hedges and then there is an interesting white door.

Palms add drama to this entrance. Another lovely modern style. The black and white wall is a great touch. The palms are wonderful.

Friday, November 9, 2012

A modern look

A nice clean modern entrance. With the jade plant it has its own charm.

Great modern entrance. Super gate, love what looks like stems with flowers in the design. I noticed some other nice ornate touches on the roof and wood. In the background is a flowering jacaranda tree. So sad that you don't get a more detailed look at the gate.

Another nice gate to go with a modern entrance. The black wrought iron fence and panels in the entrance give the frontage an airy look. Notice the gargoyle on the roof in the front of the house! I tried to include it in the photo, which is why the entrance is on a bit of an angle. Not too many of those around.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

One block, one street

Today my sister and I photographed 5 entrances. All in the same street and even in the same block. It was fun. This is what I call a single board entrance. It has a lovely fence.

A couple of houses up was this lovely cream entrance. Quite different and not a mass produced style. I do like the extra design on the top and within the walking area of the entrance.

This entrance has a lot going for it. Jasmine growing on the right hand side, great picket fence, the arch way has the church look, even with picot edges! And a Queenslander to boot in the background. This was a delightful find.

Bold blue open roof helps this entrance stand out as you drive by. It is number 4 in the block.

My name for this type of entrance is, naturally enough, a wide board. It is fairly nice with the front wide board and then not only does it have a shorter board at the back, but they have joined them with side boards. Further down the garden path the design is repeated as a 3 board arch. Bit like an echo. So 5 entrances in a block. There should be more of those streets around!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The clean look

Thought I would check out the clean look entrance. Unfortunately there is not much to say other than it looks very clean. Sorry.

We still have blue posts although the maroon roof adds colour. I do love the wave fence. Quite lovely. Sort of makes the entrance smile.

This entrance definitely has the clean look. It has unusual dimensions, the gate being higher than the fence and the roof that won't keep off rain or sun. The touch of colour on the post box and the hand rail at the front door is nice.

This is freshly painted and clean looking. Very pleasant.

I have added this entrance into the clean category. It is new, it is clean looking and not run of the mill. The pink flowers starting to come up from the back left hand side hopefully will change its look over the years. I get to drive past it every couple of weeks, if not more often and I enjoy doing so.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Steel arches with jasmine

This is a sweet entrance. The house is modern, the walk up to the front door is relaxed and the arch, I think, adds a touch of elegance.

I have been watching this arch for some years. The white roses did not do all that well. The jasmine is doing really well. I will keep my eye on it. I am hoping it will become a joy as each year progresses.

It does amaze me why some arches and entrances have all or most of the growth on one side. You can see on the left hand side the plant growing out of the ground. We can't see the right hand side. If the plant is only growing from one side, the newer and bushier growth will always be on the tips. Still the plant fills the air with sweet scent and is therefore lovely.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Lots more Jasmine

This house is a different era to the regular houses with entrances. More modern. The Jasmine softens the dark brown paint and gives a happier look.

Isn't this absolutely gorgeous! Over the top, drop dead Jasmine overload. It was an exciting find. The front garden was well planned and delightful. Nice layered plants coming down to the footpath, and then behind the white rose standard 'fence', layered down towards the house.

I think there is a house behind this entrance! Actually this was another more recent style house. Lovely entrance. A bit wild, but enjoyable.

Thought I would upload this one to finish this post off. Quite the opposite to the last bushy entrance. This one is delicate, delightful and delicious. It is Jasmine, yes, but, for now, at least, contained. Look at the detail on top of each fence post. The middle wood panel on the gate is repeated on the verandah behind. When the Jasmine stops flowering the Agapanthus will come into bloom. Very nice indeed.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Jasmine is everywhere

This entrance, normally, is close to ordinary, until Spring. Then it is swathed in glorious jasmine flowers. Such a joy.

Jasmine has a good grip on the side of this entrance. I wonder if it will make it all the away across the structure?

Now this jasmine has won! It has only now to thicken out and the structure will be obscured. There is something delightful to walk through a jasmine flowering arch.

I am kind of wondering if this entrance is used very often. A tendril of jasmine, from the front is winding itself around the gate itself. Still, lovely tendrils of jasmine hang down and soften this home made entrance. Love the top of the house roof too.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

These are very different

Isn't this a wonderful entrance. Full of style and mystery. Rather a huge light though. Still I was excited to discover it, by chance too.

This entrance also has a formidable look. Glossy white yet hard to get into. I do like it. Nice softening with the creeper on the roof.

Now this little gate is also a sweetie. The strength of the stone fence gives you a vision of a fort. The building behind does put the fence into another time frame, nonetheless the blue gate is inviting.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A charm of their own

I adore the wild purple look. There is also a white flowered creeper growing in with the purple. This entrance makes me smile.

This entrance has a messy look. I think the plant on top is an Allamanda. So really I took this photo in the wrong season. It has a 'free for all' look. So its charm is freedom to be itself.