Saturday, September 29, 2012


I thought today I would post some bougainvillea entrances. This one is darling. The colour of the bracts is bold. How nice to enter your premises under such a riot of colour.

This entrance is so similar, but has a wonderful wild look. Actually it is the same entrance, years apart. Seems even entrances change over time.

This humble entrance is green all year, until Spring. Then the bougainvillea and the azalea burst into bloom.

This entrance is the style with the front posts being much further apart than the rear posts. I drove past this bougainvillea just a few days ago, and it has more colour this year. Some of my pictures are a few years old.

This one I am happy I took, of the same garden. This year there does not seem to be a glorious pink holly hock.

1 comment:

  1. I just posted bougainvillaea flowers from last Saturdays walk and then saw this blog. Lol
