Saturday, September 29, 2012


I thought today I would post some bougainvillea entrances. This one is darling. The colour of the bracts is bold. How nice to enter your premises under such a riot of colour.

This entrance is so similar, but has a wonderful wild look. Actually it is the same entrance, years apart. Seems even entrances change over time.

This humble entrance is green all year, until Spring. Then the bougainvillea and the azalea burst into bloom.

This entrance is the style with the front posts being much further apart than the rear posts. I drove past this bougainvillea just a few days ago, and it has more colour this year. Some of my pictures are a few years old.

This one I am happy I took, of the same garden. This year there does not seem to be a glorious pink holly hock.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Alamandas invoke memories

Lots of flowers remind me of my grandparents, George and Lucy. Alamanda was grown along the west side of their Queenslander style house, about head height, and as you passed under it, you entered a darkened corridor that was similar to a verandah. Only ground level and of course, the floor was the dirt. It went almost the length of the west side of the house. They had only partly built in underneath their home. It was a great place to stroll and dream.

I love the lush look of the yellow flowers here. Welcoming you home.

More alamanda. This is the gate to the local vet. I get to enjoy it often. Driving past it, I mean. One year they cut it back. Scary. Not a good look, bare sticks!

New and old

This gate is new, compared to others, you can tell as the house is a different generation to most of the others with entrances. Besides the fact that the entrance is definitely newly built! And lovely. I like the wooden gate panels.

This entrance is photographed from the inside of the yard. The price to pay was that I had to photograph most of the owners plants, front and back yard!! Not the usual 5 minute photo shot! No siree. He was an elderly man.

Isn't this wonderful! It is like the prow of their ship. Behind are their yards, and the house itself. But up front, facing the world, is their entrance, the prow.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Beautiful wisteria

My Grandparents had a modest entrance over their front gate. It was not built at the time of the house, nevertheless it hosted climbing roses and had pansies nestled around its feet. I loved it.

Over the years I have noticed the old houses being taken down to make way for the new styles. Soon many of the entrances will be gone.

Not all of these are gorgeous, but I'd like to preserve the art of the entrances, so I've included some of everything I have found.

The day I spotted this entrance, I decided to photograph it, and from that day on, I have kept my eyes open for entrances to photograph them and keep them for posterity.

Isn't this Wisteria just wonderful, I adore it.

So this is the overall look. Nice fret work behind it on the verandah and iron lace gate at the top of the front steps.