Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Beautiful wisteria

My Grandparents had a modest entrance over their front gate. It was not built at the time of the house, nevertheless it hosted climbing roses and had pansies nestled around its feet. I loved it.

Over the years I have noticed the old houses being taken down to make way for the new styles. Soon many of the entrances will be gone.

Not all of these are gorgeous, but I'd like to preserve the art of the entrances, so I've included some of everything I have found.

The day I spotted this entrance, I decided to photograph it, and from that day on, I have kept my eyes open for entrances to photograph them and keep them for posterity.

Isn't this Wisteria just wonderful, I adore it.

So this is the overall look. Nice fret work behind it on the verandah and iron lace gate at the top of the front steps.

1 comment:

  1. Wisteria is a favourite of mine. I grow a pot of pansies every year as they remind me of 'The Crescent' @ Coorparoo.
