Monday, December 10, 2012

Truncated corner entrances

Truncated corner or corner entrances. A rather rare type of entrance. Most people put their gates and entrances in the front of their property. Here are a few entrances I have found that sit out in front as the prow of a ship.

This single board entrance has the joy of having a Jacaranda tree and a red flowering plant as friends. It is always a bit of fun putting your hand into one of those holes and then peering over the top of the gate to see exactly what your hand is supposed to be doing!

Ooooh, this is such a darling entrance. Love any flowering trees or bushes or vines and this entrance has, besides palms that stand as background sentinels, a youngish Jacaranda tree on one side and a wonderful white bougainvillea on the other. What joy. The fence palings add to the lacy effect of the whole picture, with their rise and fall in height.

Such a nice gate set in the front of the broad faced entrance. The style of this gate is not unusual, but it does have different details from the norm. Here we go with another Jacaranda tree this time on the verge. Inside the entrance were lovely spots of colour. Such a cheery little spot.