Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Lots more Jasmine

This house is a different era to the regular houses with entrances. More modern. The Jasmine softens the dark brown paint and gives a happier look.

Isn't this absolutely gorgeous! Over the top, drop dead Jasmine overload. It was an exciting find. The front garden was well planned and delightful. Nice layered plants coming down to the footpath, and then behind the white rose standard 'fence', layered down towards the house.

I think there is a house behind this entrance! Actually this was another more recent style house. Lovely entrance. A bit wild, but enjoyable.

Thought I would upload this one to finish this post off. Quite the opposite to the last bushy entrance. This one is delicate, delightful and delicious. It is Jasmine, yes, but, for now, at least, contained. Look at the detail on top of each fence post. The middle wood panel on the gate is repeated on the verandah behind. When the Jasmine stops flowering the Agapanthus will come into bloom. Very nice indeed.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Jasmine is everywhere

This entrance, normally, is close to ordinary, until Spring. Then it is swathed in glorious jasmine flowers. Such a joy.

Jasmine has a good grip on the side of this entrance. I wonder if it will make it all the away across the structure?

Now this jasmine has won! It has only now to thicken out and the structure will be obscured. There is something delightful to walk through a jasmine flowering arch.

I am kind of wondering if this entrance is used very often. A tendril of jasmine, from the front is winding itself around the gate itself. Still, lovely tendrils of jasmine hang down and soften this home made entrance. Love the top of the house roof too.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

These are very different

Isn't this a wonderful entrance. Full of style and mystery. Rather a huge light though. Still I was excited to discover it, by chance too.

This entrance also has a formidable look. Glossy white yet hard to get into. I do like it. Nice softening with the creeper on the roof.

Now this little gate is also a sweetie. The strength of the stone fence gives you a vision of a fort. The building behind does put the fence into another time frame, nonetheless the blue gate is inviting.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A charm of their own

I adore the wild purple look. There is also a white flowered creeper growing in with the purple. This entrance makes me smile.

This entrance has a messy look. I think the plant on top is an Allamanda. So really I took this photo in the wrong season. It has a 'free for all' look. So its charm is freedom to be itself.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Short owners?

I am a bit intrigued with such a low roofed entranced. I wonder if they actually use this entrance! Quite sweet though.

Isn't this totally darling. I love it. I could never get in though, unless I doubled over. With this entrance and the one above, I reckon the families and friends use the gate that allows the car to enter the premises.

I know you will say, well this entrance could just be trimmed and people could walk through. But it has obviously not been trimmed for quite awhile. So it makes the short page.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


This little entrance looks like a little church.

This entrance is tall, bold, white and looks like the start of a little church. Sweet little tulip gate again.

What lovely open lace work in the front of this entrance. Maybe not quite so chapel looking but pretty close.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Needing love

I really like the style of this entrance. I think the gate is darling. Simple, clean lines and I like the knobs on the top of the gate. It just needs some love and attention.

There was definitely preplanning for this entrance. Now the gate drops off a little to the left. A good sanding, maybe some wood treatment and a new paint job would be just the thing for this ageing entrance. I like it because it's style is different.

This entrance has many points of interest. The front columns, recessed steps, very open lattice behind and of course the two layers of roof. Quite the individualist.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Charming and Sweet

Isn't this just a charming entrance. You could stand under its roof, out of the sun and chat, or wait for the mail man. Have you noticed the little piece of carved wood in each corner attached to the posts? I haven't seen that duplicated yet, out of the many, many entrances I have seen. Love it.

Sweet little tulip cut out on the gate, lattice and iron lace on the verandah, green and white colour scheme. All winners. Captivating.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Missing trees

Since there are still a few Bottlebrush trees in flower, I thought I would post these photos. I have enjoyed this sweet entrance with its name and graced by glorious pink bottlebush flowers for a couple of years. Earlier this week I passed it and could not find it!! Around the huge block I went, out into peak traffic and pulled over as I came close to where I thought the tree and entrance should be. There was the entrance, all by itself and as I peered into the yard I could just see above the fence a bare tree trunk, with a slanted slash where its top should have been. Unbelievable.

I have added this companion photo which I had taken, just for fun. This way the tree is enjoyed by us for as long as is possible. It was as though some God said, "Ooo, I will just take this and pop it into my vase back home". Cut. Sob. Something we all do with lovely flowers all the time.

I am putting this one in as well. No relation, just lovely.

A few months ago I did notice that the tree beside this blue entrance was missing. Now with its hibiscus friend gone you notice that some of its roof wood is missing and there is more paint missing. A bit sad.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Two entrances that yell 'here I am'

This to me is a road stopper. Too bad about the sand bags, but I wasn't going to let a little item like that stop me. The Birds of Paradise bushes seem to be quite happy there. I do love it.

This delightful entrance I had to drive past a couple of times so that I could keep enjoying it. The sky was overcast, but who cares. I think I also caught the cat owner having a snooze behind the gate. Plants/trees like these will certainly have a place in heaven. It makes me smile every time I look at this photo.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Entrances that match their houses

The white dowel in the gate matches the verandah railing. The white picket fence and blue colour trim all helps with the overall look.

I think this double look is very well done. Great entrance with superb features. The house has good features itself, nice with its cream and white colour scheme.

An outside light, how nice. Great touch. I also noticed the dark brown trim on the posts match some of the wooden trim on the front steps. The back of the entrance has eaves, which is a bit unusual.

This entrance with is green paint is a light, cheery job.

I do like the lace effect on the top of the fence and gate panels. The jasmine plants help too, of course. Unfortunately I missed getting the top of the house in the photo. Bit of a shame.